by James von Dielingen
Jeb the Giraffe wants the world and a half.
His wish list is long and immense.
From oceans to mounts, and statues to founts;
He wants all your dollars and cents.
An oyster named Carry thought this was quite scary.
She wondered just how this could be.
For no other shellfish had ever been selfish.
She said, “That’s quite foreign to me.”
Carry soon went to see what he meant
When Jeb said he wanted a throne.
She read his whole list and couldn’t resist
To come up with a list of her own.
She wanted a doll, she wanted a ball;
She wanted a feast on a platter.
She wanted razor, she wanted a laser;
She wanted a window to shatter.
She wanted to sing, she wanted a ring;
She wanted some hair growing gel.
She wanted moon rocks, she wanted white socks;
She wanted a bow for her shell.
She wanted a trail, she wanted a tail;
She wanted to see all the sights.
She wanted the sky, she wanted to fly;
She wanted her name up in lights.
She wanted a store, she wanted the shore;
She wanted the deep ocean waters.
She wanted a baker, a candlestick maker,
And butcher to marry her daughters
She wanted more time, she wanted a lime;
She wanted a car for herself.
She wanted to ski, to be on TV;
She wanted a full trophy shelf.
She wanted these things, the joy that it brings
To think what the future contains.
When all you desire is yours to acquire
With no effort and with no strain.
When Carry came ‘round, she suddenly found
That selfishness clouded her mind.
She was concerned how easily she learned
Her shellfish-ness was left behind.
“That’s not for me!” was her desperate plea
To return to the life she was living.
She gave up her wishes, went back to the fishes,
And vowed not to recall her misgiving
Jeb thought she missed the point of his list.
It wasn’t a list for acquiring.
It’s merely a tool, motivation or fuel
For a giraffe to keep on aspiring.
Carry soon got, what she wanted a lot
After giving up the life of kings.
For all she desired, after all that transpired,
Was a nap above all other things.
So next time you think, you want the sink
Along with the rest of the kitchen.
Remember the shellfish who acted so selfish
For stuff that can be so bewitchin’.
I think it’s agreed, you won’t die or bleed
If what you want is not what you get.
As long as you’re well, you’re clean and don’t smell,
There’s no need to become upset.
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